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How Greed Delayed Our Evolution: Tesla's Story

How Greed Delayed Our Evolution: Tesla

Growing up in an American capitalist nation, it’s hard to imagine that making money or working just to make more could somehow slow down the evolutionary process. We are tightly tied to think the opposite. Good. .. .. I actually have it! I did a little research, so it doesn’t have to be. Thank you later. For the time being, let me explain in detail. The junior high school I attended should have been named “Jardin Tersa Junior Academy”, which opposes the “Edison” Academy, if history is correct. Of course, “Tesla” comes from a man who had one of the greatest spirits ever walked on the surface of this planet. Nikola Tesla’s time is now!

Tesla was a front-line genius who made AC electricity (alternating current) a major part of our lives. DC electricity (direct current) of rival inventor Thomas Edison. As history has read about this issue, it was a more one-sided competition. Tesla’s humble man, the main goal of life was to use the right frequencies to harness the Earth’s natural energy (Wardenclyffe Tower). By doing so, he was able to generate free and sustainable electricity to supply to the whole world! The only goal was fame and luck, a crazy man driven by Edison’s greed. He will keep it at any cost. Thomas Edison went as far as advertising to kill a large animal in front of the crowd. He once fried an elephant and tried to prove that Tesla’s AC electricity was too dangerous. The most unpleasant of all his slander campaigns was the execution of William Kemmler (the first death in an electric chair). This was basically an experiment to prove what AC electricity does to humans. Hope his conclusions about the exchange are considered facts. Thomas Edison knew Tesla’s genius and humble personality. He was an opportunist, so Edison made the most of it. He hired Tesla (a few years before the Smear Campaign) to repair the motor that was powering his DC version of electricity. Tesla was told that if the motor could be repaired at Edison’s factory, it would pay US $ 50,000. After Tesla successfully completed his job, Edison told him it was just a joke and he wouldn’t pay him. This inevitably led to Nikola Tesla’s resignation from Edison’s company.

Edison was known among many others for stealing Tesla’s ideas and passing them on as his own. I. eX-ray photography. In retrospect, Edison looked like a patent whore. He understood patent ideas that went far beyond his counterpart. It allowed him to hire some of the greatest spirits of his time just to patent their invention. Thomas Edison wasn’t the only one to take advantage of Tesla’s good soul. Shortly after he broke up with Edison’s company, he was contacted by several investors. Alfred S. Brown (West Union leader) and Charles Peck (New York lawyer). The two men believed in Tesla’s AC current power and wanted to fund the “Tesla Electric Company.” After agreeing to split half of the patent rights for the AC system, he takes ownership. In exchange for funds. This is his second shot at his own electric company. The first company was “Tesla Electric Light Company” and was eventually evacuated. Only worthless stock certificates are left. Do you still see the pattern?

Nicola has finally become a successful businessman he wanted to be. So it seemed. He eventually sold his AC motor patent to George Westinghouse for $ 25,000 in cash / $ 50,000 in bills and royalties. At this point (1890), Tesla was ready to move on to the next big invention, boosted by the discovery of “wireless power.” It brought fear to his enemies as his fame grew and his brand grew bigger than ever. Queue the aforementioned Smear Campaign. It was also directed to Tesla’s partner Westinghouse. In addition to all the peaks of confusion, he can’t come up with a better design for his current AC system. Westinghouse was finally folded. He was able to withdraw from the Tesla project (funding) and have Nicola restructure the contract that once paid royalties ($ 2.50 per horsepower generated by each motor).

Tesla is a genius engineer, but has continued to lack the greedy nature of success as a businessman. He invented and discovered many of the greatest discoveries of science. Things that are useful in everyday life. Even in this generation. He was so timeless that I believe his discoveries will help unleash the natural forces of this universe over the years to come. Some of his most successful business ventures were Niagara Falls Power. Unfortunately, his contribution is hidden by the Westinghouse insignia. His best “Tesla coil” But what he could never see came to fruition, and it was Wardenclyffe who became an obsession with Nikola Tesla’s life. A tower that uses all the natural energy that circulates around our planet and redistributes it as free energy. Just redirect the natural frequency. The project initially received a lot of money, but he withdrew when JP Morgan (the main funder) caught the wind being built to generate free electricity. If it couldn’t be measured for profit, it didn’t help the businessman. Only good people do the right thing to improve humanity. That was not the case with JP Morgan and many other “business” men of the time. Production of the tower eventually stopped and did not regain momentum. After Tesla’s death, the FBI entered his New York hotel suite and stole all his work. Some believe that Wardenclyffe Tower technology is known today as HAARP. A weather control program that manipulates weather patterns using frequency changes.

If the point of this article was to let you know all the great things Nikola Tesla has discovered, I can continue. The man was behind so many great projects. In some projects long before his time, people like Steve Jobs had to finish it for him. We recommend that you google yourself. But the main purpose of writing this work was to shed light on the idea that greed may be slowing our evolution. Imagine that funding has never slowed down Tesla. Imagine that every other man who came up with the genius invention actually received a reasonable membership fee. Instead, they were overlooked because better businessmen beat them to patent. I’m sure this has happened repeatedly in history. The greedy rear is an ugly face. True superhumans were largely excluded from history books because they did not patent thousands of ideas that were not their own. How often did you hear Edison grow? History seems to favor the most expensive ones. It’s a tragedy in itself. The idea and purpose of money is to stay in control. In recent history, this works well with a certain 1%. For the rest of the genius spirit there? We are forced to live a life in which our natural abilities are not always available. All for capitalism. It was fun while it continued, but don’t you think it’s time! I need a new currency system. Things that can’t control a true genius.
