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It's Dougie-History of the Doisenberg Automobile Classic Motor Car


Many of the greatest things in life begin with a humble beginning. So is the Duisenberg motor car. You may have heard off-time expressions such as “it’s a doughie” or “it’s a doughie”. These are all references to the famous great car and car car maker Doisenberg.

Duisenberg began his life as Auburn Code Duisenberg. Ernest Rovan Code began his career in the automotive industry in the most humble way-as a simple repairer for Model T Ford cars. It can be said that the beginning of this Weisenberg line encountered even a rather complicated fate. -Mr. Code is said to have become a millionaire three times separately, even before he reached the age of 21-in each of the three times he lost all his fortune altogether. Finally, at the age of thirty, with lasting and real wealth, Mr. Code joined the failed Auburn company as its “general manager.” Buy a significant share of the company and make Auburn financially safe and wealthy.

In addition to being an apparently smart engineer, Code had the best ability and ability to find other people’s great talents and talents. As a result, he found, hired, and hired such classic celebrities and famous legends in the automotive industry, such as Gordon Burig, Harry Miller, and Count Alexis de Saknovsky. Next, Mr. Code immediately purchased control of the Lycoming Engines plant and Doisenberg itself.

The Desenberg brothers Fred and August originally built their first racing car in 1903, starting with actually making a bike in the adopted “hometown” of Des Moines, Iowa, before entering the sport of motor racing. .. It built a race car in 1912, and its success inevitably led to the production of standard road cars. The first and non-racing driver on the Duisenberg line of standard cars for the road was the Model A Tourer. The Model A “Tourer” is dated 1920. The Duisenberg road car is largely based on the knowledge and expertise gained from the auto race itself, and it is true and knowledgeable to say that it is a good example. Advanced engineering and automotive mechanical technology at the time. Duisenberg’s automotive product line has established a solid reputation on the road, just as Duisenberg’s racing cars have set speed and racing records. Surprisingly, the Doisenberg Racing Group won the venerable races of Indianapolis in 1924, 1925 and 1927.

With Mr. Code’s tough leadership and empire-building ambitions the most energizing and most effective combine, Auburn Code Duisenberg has begun to prosper in uncertain terms. Unfortunately, the timing of the code was particularly bad, and all his projects came to fruition in the same fateful year, 1929, the same year as the crash.Miller himself patented his version of “front wheel drive”

The following year, in 1929, when the code nameplate itself was used for the first time, the L29 was released and was released. Designed by Karl Van Ranst and equipped with a mirror front axle setup. Next in line were speedy, high-flying cars like the Auburn Speedster. The Auburn Speedster was characterized by being the first vehicle to declare and guarantee that each vehicle was individually speed tested up to 100 mph.

Therefore, Doisenberg’s reputation as a fast and beautiful luxury car was born, cultivated and maintained. It is no coincidence that the name Duisenberg has such a reputation and notoriety among car enthusiasts.

The expression “It’s a Doozie” is well known.
