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Reasons to walk

Reasons to walk

Walking is a great exercise program that everyone does every day for health and fitness. Individuals roam the house, pick up mail, go to local stores to buy the goods they need, and mow the lawn if they are active.

These are some activities that improve your health:

1) Endurance, or aerobic exercise, increases breathing, heart rate, muscles, and joints. Examples include active walking, jogging, dancing, swimming and cycling.

2) Strength training strengthens muscles. Lift a lightweight 1-4 lbs and lift 3-5 times or use a resistance band that can increase strength.

3) Balance exercise helps prevent falls

4) Flexibility exercises can help you stretch your muscles and stay supple.

The above list is from NIH: National Institute on Aging.

Walking not only relieves the discomfort of arthritis, but also has many more benefits. The above is a great program for individuals who have recovered from many health conditions and are in need of activity.If you are a diabetic, these are great programs for you to do as an exercise

Or you may have some disability and need to do physical activity. This is a great program for you.

It’s a great way to be healthy for everyone. It’s a great activity or sport for everyone.

Walking is one of them, it’s a great way to manage your weight (but don’t forget to eat too much), and it’s also a way to control your blood pressure.

Walking offers many benefits after the need for activities to recover and maintain good health.

I have spent my entire life studying and supporting the walking activity of the subjects.

In my practice, I taught many patients the value of walking and lectured various walking groups about the benefits of walking. They all loved listening to them and walked as an exercise program.

Today, the general public is walking much more than before. You should walk more as an exercise, but the way you walk improves this goal.

This article explained to the reader all the benefits that a good walking program brings to everyone. Walking is an exercise that promotes health.It doesn’t matter if you are a healthy walker, if you have arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, or if you want to lose some

Weight; This is the best way for your health care provider to be in the good condition they want to be.
