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5 Common Mistakes That Cause Truck Accidents

5 Common Mistakes That Cause Truck Accidents

Semi-truck accidents are almost always serious. They are larger and heavier than most other vehicles on the road, so they can do much more damage. For this reason, commercial truck drivers take great responsibility each time they grasp the steering wheel of a truck. Therefore, special training and certification are required.

Operating a 40 ton vehicle is not easy and requires great care. But no matter how much training and experience a truck driver has, accidents can happen. It may or may not be a driver error. Continue reading to learn the top five factors in truck accidents so that you can better understand road and traffic safety.

Driver fatigue

Driver fatigue is a common cause of truck accidents and one of the most dangerous. For this reason, federal regulations currently limit the number of hours a truck driver can stay on the road at one time before taking a break. Unfortunately, these regulations are not enough to stop a truck driver from driving while he is tired. Many truck companies still pay in miles, so truck drivers run out of themselves beyond safe driving points to make more money.


Another common cause of truck accidents is simply inexperience. Experience makes a big difference in the truck industry. A truck driver who has been driving for decades “learned the rope” through years of work experience. Drivers unfamiliar with the industry are still new to the road and are naive to the essence of the road when holding the steering wheel of a semi-truck.

Inadequate truck maintenance

Sometimes half-truck accidents are not all driver errors. Semi-truck manufacturers may produce defective products, or the truck company itself may ignore the fleet by not providing proper regular truck maintenance. Liquid changes, inspections, tire maintenance, brake maintenance, etc. are all important to ensure that trucks function safely and efficiently on the road.

Improper loading

Another common cause of truck accidents is improper loading of cargo. Proper loading and fixing of cargo is essential to prevent accidents and injuries. Improper loading can lead to shifts, uneven weight distribution, etc., all of which are common causes of truck accidents.

Inattentive driving

Perhaps the most common cause of a truck accident, or a car accident associated with it, is inattentive driving. In particular, inattentive driving is more common than ever, as most drivers are equipped with specific technologies such as mobile phones and flat-screen navigation systems. For truck drivers, distractions can take many forms, including smoking, eating, reading, texting, and adjusting the radio.

If you are injured in a truck accident, immediately contact a personal injury law firm to confirm your rights. Even without pain, minor injuries can later turn into major injuries. Meet an accident lawyer who can determine your right to compensation.
