Tips for buying a car bed

You are nothing more than a small pebble

You are nothing more than a small pebble

Given my rough career, I admit that it’s probably too romantic. But yesterday, as I walked along the beach near the cottage, I couldn’t help but notice the various pebbles in the collage, rather than the endless waves of pebbles covering the sand. Millions of pebbles. No, it seems to be hundreds of millions.

Our lake is unique. Lake Winnipeg was excavated from the landscape by Lake Agassiz during the Ice Age. It left a significant depression in the prairie, making it the third largest freshwater lake in Canada and the eleventh largest lake in the world. However, Lake Winnipeg can be found along the boundary between Manitoba / Saskatchewan limestone rubble and bedrock and Precambrian shield granite in Ontario. Therefore, on the sandy beaches of this lake, you will find an eclectic mixture of pure quartz, feldspar, mica, slate, shale, granite and limestone (including fossils). Each type of rock has a different density than other rocks and has different defects, strengths, cracks, or cracks.

I picked up stones one after another for nearly an hour, examining the same water, the same ice, the same wind and rain as all the other pebbles on the shore. Nothing was the same as the following: Also, I didn’t expect them to be the same. Still, I had to be surprised by two things: 1) the same item can be very uniquely different in the same environment 2) sand, rocks generally seen along these lakeshores. , How to see water as conglomerate, but the difference between each granule, and the beauty of individualism cannot be understood.

The rock may be hard, but it will eventually be shaped into something special and different. Still, as fragile as we humans, everyone thinks, agrees, and believes like us, regardless of background, buffett in life, or specific strengths or weaknesses. I expect to comply with. We expect others to be us, but we resent it when they rob us of our special place in the world.

Anyone in a medium-sized family can prove the truth that two children (even those born as identical twins) will never be exactly the same. That’s because there are subtle differences in the way they experience life, the way they are treated, and the information they absorb.

That’s incredible? Step into the living room and take a picture. Now go to the other side of that room and take another room. Upload them to your computer for examination. Do the exact same things look the same in each photo, or are they all viewed from different perspectives?

The problem for each of us is to hear and see the world from that particular perspective, no matter how close we are. Identical twins talking to their mother in the kitchen may not be heard by their sister in the next room. Alternatively, the mother’s reaction may have missed an important inflection of the voice, or a subtle hand gesture with comments. So now the twins have a unique experience that uniquely affects that person. It’s a Chinese cliché of sayings about the beating of butterfly wings. All subsequent changes, no matter how small, have changed.

Recognizing the impact of slight adjustments to experience in our own lives is important for finding an oasis of our lives. We all need to look for our own dreams, not our neighbors’ dreams. We are special. We are unique. We have ideals and aspirations that we may not yet fully understand. However, trying to reflect the expected success of a friend is only disappointing when you realize that it is not as fulfilling as it seems to be someone else.

Your colleague has a Lexus. So you need it to be happy too. Your doctor’s vacation on St. Kitts. So you have to go there to be successful. You’ve read about this exciting life in the Far East, so you just find yourself lonely and discouraged. Because your family and friends are more important to your enjoyment than you think.

You are just a pebbles on a remote beach. I’m nothing more than that. But for me that’s enough. As a pebble, I have learned to be unique, unique, wonderful and irreplaceable. You too!
