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A new concept for food trucks in hospitality

A new concept for food trucks in hospitality

The very famous chef said, “The best food is very simple. —Auguste Escoffier ” The food and beverage industry is one of the broadest sectors of hospitality, and simplicity is defined by different perspectives. “FOOD TRUCK” is the simplest example of street food offered by a mobile vehicle. With rising middle-class disposable income, fast food spending, nutritional awareness, mobile lifestyles, and food requirements on the go, this model is for Indians as both customers and investors. It has become a popular choice among people. According to one study, the industry will achieve 3.7% revenue growth over the next five years, which is a huge growth for the newly introduced industry.

It is becoming a more selective option than regular restaurants for new entrepreneurial activities with low investment and minimal risk. Here are some of its benefits:

This is considered a low investment with the idea of ​​a highly profitable food business, primarily because it has the least economic investment compared to seated restaurants. This is one of the main competitive advantages of driving a food truck instead of a regular restaurant. In addition, buying a truck can be replaced by a rental to reduce capital investment. The choice of equipment and machinery needed can then be managed according to the range of menus, such as kitchen equipment, including exhaust, grills, heat lamps, and other specialty equipment required by a particular food item.

Another advantage is that it does not require an investment in expensive utilities and employs a wide range of staff and taxes that apply to regular restaurants. This will reduce most of the capital and investment, and the disposable income from the capital will be spent on menu engineering and marketing. Operational costs, on the other hand, are monthly and are limited according to operational needs and scope, or can be flexibly paid to manage cost factors without interfering with routine operational maintenance and repairs. It can be easily managed and replaced without large capital investment.

They are more attractive, hygienic, and of higher quality food value, as most customers describe, and are the latest trends in the food and beverage world.

It offers a pocket-friendly deal for all the truth of the consumer. Prices range from Rs 10 to Rs 200 to Rs 500 and vary in everything from vegetables or non-vegetables, beginners to complete meals. In countries like India, where street food is endless, menus change every 5 km, offering endless varieties that satisfy customers with budget-friendly meals.

Compared to street food, food truck food and service can be better served due to the use of disposable cutlery, a movable structure that facilitates maintenance and cleaning, and a restaurant-like setup. By observing more hygienic and better options, the nutritional value of foods compared to street foods etc.

When it comes to taking risks in business, this model is better than regular startup restaurants with low risk factors. The restaurant is limited in location, but the food truck is flexible. The location plays a major role in the success of the restaurant as it creates a great foothold. This concept works with low-priced, high-quality food, so mass sales are required for location to generate maximum revenue, where it plays a major role.

Its mobility capabilities also act as a marketing tool for branding your own products, such as moving from regular sales to part of a larger event as a secondary source or to a specific part of a menu. Provides operational flexibility that requires your imagination.

You also have the flexibility to change structures (menu engineering, service management, product design, new product exploration) and extend concepts (products or businesses). Compared to a regular restaurant, its dynamics are more versatile and adaptable to changes over time due to its smaller setup, limited equipment and staff.

It will be the best platform for new entrants in the food and beverage industry, providing greater control and flexibility. This seems to be the best way for first-time entrepreneurs, as they can explore and experiment with the model before setting up an investment and risky seated restaurant. After gaining comprehensive knowledge, you can dive into the conclusions about what is best for a sitting restaurant. The future of food trucks seems to be moving high on the developing Indian profit graph.
