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Is America a Communist?

Is America a Communist?

Socialists turned to capitalism, the US government should pay attention.

General Motors, Ford and Chrysler all face the potential for bankruptcy. The Big Three doesn’t seem to be that big after all. In other words, given the ability to dominate the market. Instead of doing what Toyota and Honda did, Big Three’s management was too big for their boots and is now walking on a hot tin roof. You can cool it for just $ 50 billion.

7 (Bloomberg)-General Motors, Ford Motor Company. Chrysler LLC has been tied up in cash due to a plunge in sales and is seeking a $ 50 billion federal loan to survive the worst car market in 25 years, a person familiar with the matter said.

For those who asked not to be identified due to lack of plans, the package is $ 25 billion for medical expenses, general liquidity that may be offered in a variety of ways, including short-term loans from the Federal Reserve. Said it would be $ 25 billion for. t public. In return, he said companies would be willing to take steps such as granting stock acquisition rights.

The saddest part about all these remedies is that they tend to prolong the pain. Soft landing doesn’t really work except for politicians.

We learned lessons from what happened to British Leyland, which once made popular cars such as the Mini, Land Rover and MG sports cars. The company no longer exists, but was once bailed out by the British government for billions of dollars. Next is Amtrak, which subsidizes US taxpayers about $ 1.5 billion annually.

Government-led bailouts do not really help the majority of the population. Communism has succeeded and has not undertaken capitalism. Communists are embracing private capital to produce better results in generating wealth. It is not surprising that western wealth is heading east. Since the invasion of Japan, it has been passed from west to east, followed by Taiwan, Malaysia, South Korea, Indonesia, and now India, especially China.

Fat cats can only get rich if there is a government that subsidizes the industry at the expense of workers. If you pay for what a fat cat is actually doing, only cream or crops will be on top. It requires government regulation, but too much government regulation makes it easier for lawyers to operate the system. If things are simple, it’s easy to see what’s going on, and whether people are tinkering with books or scooping cash.

When The Three Stooges arrived to apply for government relief from GM, Ford and Chrysler, they were asked if they came by private jet. Each admitted that they came on their private company jets. Then I was asked if I would return to a much cheaper commercial flight. Despite the three fat cats begging for a $ 50 million donation, no one seemed to think it was a good cost-cutting measure.

When J. Paul Getty, who died now, enjoyed the idea of ​​becoming a socialist in the 1930s, he traveled to Russia and how beneficial socialism (ie communism) was to the people of the Soviet Union of Socialist Republics. I saw if there was. To Getty’s disappointment, he buys some products in an almost empty supermarket, with workers standing side by side with food vouchers, while the ruling class drinks and eats wine and gives them all the luxury at their disposal. I saw you do. This happens when the government begins to call the song, so Getty decided to become a capitalist and employed 12,000 people within 30 years. Before Getty died, he founded the J. Paul Getty Museum. It is intended not to waste public wallets as it is available to the general public for free and the government’s Treasury does not need to remedy it due to financial mismanagement.

So where is the United States heading? Is it heading for fiscal collapse and socialism by default? Or will Barack Obama be like J. Paul Getty, able to change the course of the United States and establish an edge in the global market?
