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What is Zoroastrianism?

What is Zoroastrianism?


Zoroastrianism is one of the oldest religions in the world. It is arguably one of the first monotheistic religions. It was founded by Zoroaster and believes in one god, Ahura Mazda. Today, there are few Zoroastrians in the world, but they still occupy an important position. Most of their population is divided into Iran and India. Zoroastrians living in India are called Parsis.


It is not certain when the religion was first established, but sources say it can be traced back to 1200 BC. A priest named Zarathustra or Zoroaster founded the religion, as the Greeks called him. He was born in Iran when the Stone Age was gradually transitioning to the Bronze Age. After that, the Iranians believed in polytheism. Zoroaster persuaded them to turn them into monotheists. Early Iranians practiced many rituals, requiring animal sacrifice and the use of the hallucinogen haoma. Zoroaster condemned such practices and persuaded the Iranians to shift their allegiance to the new beliefs he advocated.

Zoroaster had the vision that Ahura Mazda taught him a new faith. Zoroaster struggled to get people to accept his religion, but it was finally accepted in Bactria (northern Afghanistan). The king of the land was impressed with his teachings and soon became a state religion.

Little is known about religion and its history until 549 BC, when the Persians, led by Achaemenid Cyrus the Great, conquered Western Iran and founded the first Persian empire. Archaemenians are a devout Zoroastrian family, who ruled their kingdom fairly and efficiently. He tolerated all religions and allowed exiled Jews to return to Jerusalem. Inspired by the goodwill and favor of Cyrus, the Jews adopted and absorbed the beliefs and customs of many Zoroastrians.

Alexander the Great in 331 BC overthrew an archaic empire. Under Alexander’s oppressive rule, many priests were killed and sacred texts were burned. Fortunately, the core of religion, Gathas, was said to have been written by Zoroaster himself and survived.

Alexander was followed by the reign of the Seleucid dynasty in 311 B.C.E., followed by Alcaside. Alcaside was wonderful, just a ruler, and Zoroastrianism was resurrected under their rule. However, they were soon overthrown by the Sassanid Ardashir. The Sassanid dynasty brought about some changes in religion. A central Zoroastrian church was built, which was under Sassanian rule. People were not allowed to worship the statue and the Temple of Fire was advertised. Also, religious tolerance has been abandoned. Under church rule, Zoroastrianism was oppressive and highly ritualized.

Zoroastrianism continued to suffer from the Arab conquest. The Arabs burned the library and tried to eradicate this religion. Zoroastrians were subject to higher taxes and were forced to slowly convert to Islam. Eventually, Zoroastrianism became a minority religion in Iran. Thousands fled to India and settled in various parts of the country. They formed their own community and called themselves Parsis.


Zoroastrianism believes in one god, Ahura Mazda:



* Eclectic

* Impossible for ordinary humans to imagine

* Immutable

* All authors

* And the source of all good and happiness in the world.

This supreme god is worshiped and his prophet is Zoroaster. Zoroaster is not worshiped, but continues as his directed truth and the path of righteousness. Asya guides men and women to God.

Along with Ahura Mazda, there is his immortal servant. Amesha Spentas, who is also his sacred attribute. By knowing them, one can know God. they are:

* Wofmana-Good heart and good purpose.

* Asha Vahishta-Truth and Justice.

* Spenta Ameraiti-Holy dedication, tranquility, and affectionate tenderness.

* Khashathra Vairya-Power and just domination.

* Hauravatat-Wholeness and health.

* Ameretat-Long life and immortality.

It is Angra Manyu, the enemy of God who lives in hell, who fights good. This dualism is two, the universe and morality. There is a dualism of the universe between God and the underground Manyu. Underground Manyu is a destructive spirit that brings evil, such as death and illness, to God’s pure and beautiful world. There is also a moral duality that points to the inherent good and evil aspects of human beings.


Zoroastrians are not, as is generally believed, fire worshipers. Fire is an important symbol in their faith. Fire or light represents the sacred light of Ahura Mazda. Therefore, when a Zoroastrian prays, he prays in the direction of fire or light. Zoroastrians are also less ceremonial, but are more interested in the ethics of “good words, good thoughts, good deeds.” To represent these, Zoroastrians wear a string called Kusty tied around him three times.

Zoroastrians also promote joint worship that may take place during seasonal festivals, social events such as marriage and Navjote, and the entrance ceremony of young children to Zoroastrianism. It also does not promote temple worship, and believers are allowed to pray at home.

Demographics and modern Zoroastrians

The number of Zoroastrians is declining in the world. They mainly live in India and Iran. Only about 200,000 Zoroastrians remain, and the population is steadily declining. In the Zoroastrian community, marriage tends to be late and often does not give birth. These are one of the main reasons their population is declining. In addition, Zoroastrianism does not accept children in mixed and interreligious marriages, so they lose some new inclusion in their beliefs.

Zoroastrianism has flourished in modern times. They immediately accepted the new changes. Parsis is at the forefront of many areas of India. Some influential and notable Parsis are the two very important early days of the business tycoon and prominent philanthropists JRD Tata, Ferroz Shameta and Dada Bainaology, and India against imperialist forces. Freedom Fighter, Philanthropy Orchestra Conductor, Zubin Mehta, Freddie Mercury. Rock band “Queen” and popular and highly acclaimed writer, Hinton Mystery.

Interesting facts

* Zoroastrianism seems to have had a great influence on the Christian and Jewish religions that may have borrowed the idea of ​​heaven and hell from this religion.

* Zoroastrianism believes in the purity and goodness of all of God’s creations, so we take great care not to pollute or destroy rivers and trees. Therefore, it is often referred to as the first ever ecological religion.
