Tips for buying a car bed

Surge protectors save your golf cart battery charger and your money!

Surge protectors save your golf cart battery charger and your money!

I own a golf cart dealer in North Florida. We sell and service both electric and gas driven golf carts. Our dealers repair far more electric golf carts than gas. I think there are about 100 electric carts in every gas powered by our service sector. This is not because gas cars are much better and require less service.

The reason for the mass difference is due to our location. We are in North Florida. Flat without hills North Florida. We are also in a very “environmentally friendly” state. Therefore, the demand for petrol-powered golf carts for less hilly greens is not very high. And along with all electric golf carts there is a golf cart battery charger. Every week there is a walk-in that brings these chargers for diagnostics.

Sometimes the charger, which indicates a problem with the golf cart, is fine.However, in most cases, the first plugin test shows some sort of thing. Battery charger failure..There is a considerable possibility Power surge daemon Attacked the battery charger. We live in the region of Northern Florida, which has more than a fair share of power surges. And if it’s not bad enough, there will be a lot of afternoon thunderstorms. Light enough to make Ben Franklin want to live here!!

These power surges And electric spikes Finds and destroys almost every electrical circuit in the path. We once lost a microwave, a coffee maker (Mayday, Mayday, …) cellphones, computers and printers all in the same afternoon. Yes I know, I should have moved! These surge daemons Seek and DestroyIncludes a golf cart battery charger. After repairing your battery charger, ask if the circuit used for your golf cart charger has a surge protector. everyone, We already know the answer. Most of them have the worst face when it is recommended to place a surge protector in front of the charger to protect the charger from damaging surges and spikes. They can buy it from us or wherever they choose.However, this concept must be introduced before There will be additional repair costs for these electric demons..

There was a customer who disagreed with our advice and went his way, paying to repair the charger. A few months later, he returned for a battery charger warranty. Ladies and gentlemen, the electronic regulator board burned, just as we did when we first repaired his charger. One of the big demons attacked it and hit it so hard that it must have literally blown some components off the circuit board.

rear Display and tell With his companions, he explained that the power surge / spike had damaged again, and he paid us and bought a surge protector. I haven’t seen a man’s charger since then.. He bought it because he called us from one of the big box stores he asked about one of the protectors he was looking at if it would work for his charger I know that. Live and learn. My mother said that some people didn’t learn the easy way. They have to hit twice before learning the ducks. In today’s society, hard-knock schools do not suffer from a shortage of students, which is certain.

We hope to positively convey these concepts to help you understand the need to install surge protectors in the power circuits of golf cart battery chargers. That way, you don’t have to pay for the costly repairs caused by the “electric devil” of power surges and spikes. With the end result of saving your money and taking better care of your golf cart. That’s why I write. I write for your understanding of you and your golf cart. Thank you for taking the time to read what I have to say. You respect me by doing so. OK, stay there and enjoy your golf cart until we meet next time. After all, isn’t it what you bought it? MKR
